1. Autarch

    Actually, it is possible to disprove the existence of God if one accepts as a premise that a thing which contradicts itself cannot describe reality and define “God” as both omniscient and omnipotent. This is a textbook example of contradiction.

    The first picture may not be as bad as the “Get a Brain, Morans” guy, but confusing “their” with “there” is pretty lame, even without the creepy stare.

    Mark Read Pickens

  2. Alfred Jordan

    Some of us who try to understand the nature of God try to put human form in place of the power of the intelligence that created all the universes. For me the Gnostic Gospels explain the nature of God best. “Split a wooden stick and I am there and lift a stone and you shall find me. … is inside/within you (and all about you), not in buildings/mansions of wood and stone.” The things we know about the Universe are described to us so that we begin to understand the power of the physics. The gospels are not intended as a cudgel. We are witnesses not the author or even interpreter agents who would claim authority over anyone. It is enough for me to witness life and to know how to proceed in life. The notion, the belief in a humanized God is not necessary or law giver.

  3. Douglas Mayfield

    I posted the following comment on your article as it appeared originally in ‘The Federalist’.

    “As someone who is not religious by choice, I have no quarrel with those who are. Their beliefs are their choices. They may worship as they please.

    Unless they attempt to impose their religious beliefs at gun point, that is, use government and the virulent force it wields to impose their particular religion on those who follow other faiths or on those are not religious. Islam, which I oppose utterly, is a scourge on humanity and a perfect example.

    The founding fathers were wise to separate church and state. In every country in which the government can side with a particular religion, the Middle East, Northern Ireland and, as they observed, most countries in Europe prior to America’s founding, the continuous religious warfare, persecutions, torture, and atrocities, are what inevitably happens when government is used to enforce religion.

    And yes, I oppose using public money, money taken in taxes, to put the ten commandments on the side of a public building. If you want the ten commandments displayed, use your own money and as far as I am concerned, put them up on a privately funded basis where ever you like. If necessary, I’ll help defend your right to do so under freedom of speech.”

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